Markus. A community formed from two gastronomy lover friends, who were graduated from the same university and whose roads would intersect later, coming together and developing as the result of a collective teamwork thanks to the valuable and special people they have known and met in the meantime and aiming to grow by conserving the same collective spirit.

Everything started with Emirhan Paralı and Sinan Büdeyri got to know each other better in 2016, and came together for the Wondercats foods, a pop up series that they started to find answer to the question of “can we work together?” Within a time of about one year, they dreamt of a place where people would feel themselves different and where they would like to be, surrounded by objects with stories to tell, where they could play Blues and as much as Led Zeppelin that they could do, and essentially, where a single product to be experienced could be presented in its most beautiful form.

Aiming to address the sense of taste as well as the eye and soul, Markus Prime Ribs Society provides space for experiencing design, art and many different disciplines. In this line, apart from being a rib restaurant solely, Markus Prime Ribs Society is bringing together the mission of existing as a community, the members of which share the same tests and support each other.